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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Political Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Presidential Selection
The American citizens believe that “anybody can become a president of their state.” According to their previous presidential history, the law profession has been the preferred occupation for presidential nominations. Among the forty-four presidents, twenty-two has been lawyers and also wealthy. It is also evident that gender bias has manipulated the president’s choice since all of them have been male. The US constitution outlines presidential nomination requirements as follows: must be United State born citizen, attain fourteen years of residents and having reached 35 years and above (Lamb 321).
There is a possibility of change in these characteristics due to different variations in the political world, for instance, the fight for gender disparity which seeks to consider female gender as equally powerful beings, the age considerations where the youths are raising their voice for consideration as presidential candidates. Most of the wealthy presidents may not have relevant leadership skills previously thought during election time. The aspect of the law profession making the best leaders may change as evidenced by the selection of an economist, Donald Trump who is America’s current president.
Voters tend to consider similar characteristics while selecting the president because most citizens have their selection decisions based on common beliefs. Most people believe that leaders should be old and male, wealth…

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