Predict the consequences of a blockage of the duodenal ampulla by a tumor.

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Predict the consequences of a blockage of the duodenal ampulla by a tumor.

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Consequences of Duodenal Ampulla Blockage by A Tumor
Institutional Affiliation
The ampulla of Vater or the hepatopancreatic duct is a union of the common bile duct and the pancreatic duct. This duct is found on the major duodenal papilla. The hepatopancreatic duct is an essential organ found halfway along the duodenum’s second section that symbolizes the anatomical transition to the midgut from the foregut. This is where the celiac trunk ceases supplying the gut, and the superior mesenteric artery assumes this role (Kim et al., 2008). Through this ampulla, different smooth muscle sphincters control the movement of the bile and pancreatic juice flow. Hence, its blockage will significantly hinder the normal flow both the pancreatic and bile juice flow.
Just like many other organs within the gut, the ampulla of Vater is also exposed to carcinomas. Hence, in the case that the ampulla is blocked by a tumor, it is more likely that its functions will be hindered as well as those of the bile and pancreatic juice. The bile juice is expected to leak into the bloodstream leading to jaundice (Carter et al., 2008). Studies have pointed out that the common clinical manifestation of the ampullary blockage is jaundice. Patients are also likely to experience scleral pruritus and icterus due to the resulting bile duct obstruction. Other complaints that might result from this condition include those of malaise, dyspepsia, loss of weight, and anorexia.
There is also a likelihood of p…

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