pragmatism and analytic philosophy

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pragmatism and analytic philosophy

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Philosophy

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Pragmatism and Analytic Philosophy
Question 1
In its simplest sense, the philosophical analysis is the branch of philosophy, which deals with the clarification of knowledge as well as existing concepts. As such, it utilizes language and experience by analyzing the two to provide new insights into existing philosophical problems (Hospers 13).

Question 2
Through the use of philosophical analysis, one is able to accomplish various things among them the actual truth about a concept (Hospers 17). For example, the philosophical analysis makes it possible to ascertain whether a concept is false or right after a pragmatic reasoning coupled with the utilization of evidence to prove the rightness.

Question 3
Just like Descartes proclaimed a long time ago that “square circles are an impossibility and therefore are not real,” so do I maintain that “square circles are non-existent.” The reason this proposition is philosophically simpler to me is that it does not require any philosophical analysis to understand; instead, it a reality that every human can understand with basic pragmatism.
Question 4
Verifiability criterion of meaning is a crucial philosophical doctrine, which dictates that only the statement that can be verified empirically is considered cognitively meaningful. Otherwise, they can only be regarded as truths of logic. What this means is that a statement that cannot be proven by facts cannot be deemed to be true or fa…

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