Practicum experiences

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Practicum experiences

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Human Services

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Tutor’s Name:
Date Due:
Social Work and Human Services
Apparently, the preliminary aim of any profession in social work and human services is to ensure people’s welfare and assisting them to take thereof themselves and obtain the various basic needs. It’s attaining the sustainable development goals such as poverty alleviation, offering affordable medical care, women and youth empowerment among others. Throughout my practicum experiences, I have come to assume some ethical responsibility such as rendering quality services, ensuring social justice, helping people realize their dignity and self-worth, showing them the importance of healthy relationships, competence, working under minimum supervision, following the necessary procedures in all my activities, privacy and confidentiality of information, and integrity among others. (Walton, 86). Additionally, I was also able to apply critical thinking skills throughout my practicum experience and was able to deal with the different kinds of clients even with their cultural differences, beliefs, and traditions. This translated to the clients being happy that they are getting the necessary services they need.
Relatively, in order to ensure I abide by the standards governing the field of Human Services then I had to follow the NASW Code of Ethics which has six important purposes that is: identifying the core values where the social work mission is based, summarizing the ethical standards and pri…

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