Poverty in the United States

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Poverty in the United States

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Economics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Poverty in the United StatesIt so sarcastic that we can say a rich country like the USA which is rich but statistics from census bureau of statistics is a hot topic that is revealing in the United States of America. Based on the socio-economic survey a population of 43.1 million is said to be living in poverty. In addition to this report, it’s more shocking that poverty level among the youth is increasing. From US census bureau, there is a drastic increase in the teenager living in poverty this is 14% in 2000 to 17% in 2009 (Proctor 2016,pp.128).Where poverty in layman is lack of necessary goods and services for sustainability, for example, food, shelter, and clothing leaving most of the victims in the streets.
Some of the factors that influence high poverty level in the USA includes the family structure if you grow with parents who cannot provide you might end up getting locked in the same way of living a few manages to get out the poverty cocoon and change the parent situation and theirs too. From many studies, the income inequality gap between the black and Hispanics and white American has been high. Resulting in a perception that the blacks cannot have much wealth compared to white people. Some lead a reckless and hopeless life because of the racism and myth in that they cannot control what happens in their life; they believe they have no power to impact their lives.
High levels of poverty have led to lack of quality educat…

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