political values

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political values

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Political Science

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Political Values
Political values are influenced by different exposure of values that tend to give a positive political development in life. Some of the values include family, friends, personal experience and the media. The family is a great source in shaping political values since during birth one have no political experience and values exposure. Political experience is learned from elder family members who initially have political exposure. However, in a family one is able to learn on political ideas within the environment. This permits the young leaders to internalize basic political ideas. Being young in a family other members are likely to install good leadership skills that are necessary to political values.
Political socialization through friends is a great benefit to a young political character since it gives a chance to learn different political aspects that are relevant in political world. For instance, in school friends’ socialization help individuals learn how politics works in a country. Also, friends are able to analyze and examine crucial political events that occur within their circles which encourage them to come up with their own opinions.
Personal experience allows development of political ground through governing values and practicing personal political ethics. However, an individual, in this case, is able to have an internal belief of what political entails on the basis of what is right and true. …

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