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Category: Paraphrasing

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Professor’s Name:
1. The Virginia Company struggled to get colonists to come to their colony. How might this portrait have encouraged such migration?
Pocahantos portrait encouraged migration. Though the Virginia Company struggled to get colonists to go to their colony, they had the belief that if they would manage to manage all the Powhatans (Pocahantos included) to Christianity, then this would play a significant role in the survival and economic growth of Jamestown. The company, therefore, funded for missionaries to come from England to the town which saw the beginning of migration. Moreover, when Pocahantos arrived in England, she was together with a group of people and this way also encouraging migration. She also contributed significantly in promoting migration to Jamestown colony through her converting to Christianity and adopting the English culture and customs.
2. Pocahontas was considered as a Native American “princess.” What styles and symbols in the portrait suggest her social standing, and why might these have been incomprehensible to a Native American audience?
Pocahontas is dressed in fine clothing and pearl earrings, and she is holding gold and white fan which is made of ostrich feathers. The fine clothing and the earrings symbolize royalty since they are only worn by those from the royal family and other noble people in the town. The ostrich feather also symbolizes, and it is generally recognized…

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