pleaseexplain the issues that need attention with Checkin and Check outs provide examples

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pleaseexplain the issues that need attention with Checkin and Check outs provide examples

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Check-ins and Checkouts
Several issues need serious attention from both the landlord and the tenant when is moving in the estate and when the tenant is moving out of the premises. In most cases, a property manager who has been engaged by the landlord to manage the property and its daily operations have a number of responsibilities to perform during the check-ins and checkouts of the tenants depending on the salary and the type of property. Duties of a property manager in the process moving in and out by tenants are mainly ensuring a proper checklist during the moving in process and preparing an inventory that the two parties will agree on (Griswold 2013, 10).
During the check-in process, a tenant should pass through proper evaluation process like house application form, credit checks and prepare AST letting the contract. Some of the issues to go through in the checklist by both parties according to Martin (2006, 28) are:
Key and locks
Meter reading
Ensuring all electrical appliances are working
Signing the tenancy contract and inventory
The tenancy contract should moreover issue the tenant’s details of the terms and conditions of the security deposit after they complete their time. During checkouts, a tenant should give notice in writing. A move out letter should then be written by the property manager spelling out the conditions that the property is required to be left being clean and…

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