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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Music

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Choose a short, popular recorded song (approximately 3-4 minutes) that you enjoy. Feel free to pick any song you like in any style (rock, hip-hop, etc.) or era (the 60s, 70s, etc.), but please choose something that I will be able to find a recording of easily (via Spotify or youtube). Also, please select a SONG (with a SINGER(s) and Lyrics). Listen to your song several times and complete the following worksheet for your song. SAVE this document with YOUR last name in the file name (e.g. “Johnson_LJ1.doc”) and type directly into it. Then upload to CANVAS.
SONG TITLE: “Moves like Jagger”
ARTIST: Maroon 5 featuring Christiana Aguilera
YouTube Link:
1. TEMPO Directions: Tap your pencil to the background BEAT of the song. (Recall that the BEAT is a steady, regular pulse – what you would step to if you were walking, running, or dancing to the music). Count the number of beats that you tap in 20 seconds of the music. For example, if I’m watching the time dial on the recording, I’ll start tapping the beat at 0:10 and count the number of beats until 0:30. Multiply this number by 3, and you will get the number of beats in 60 seconds (number of beats per minute – BPM).
Number of BEATS in 60 seconds:
120 beats per minute.
Is this a FAST tempo, MODERATE tempo, SLOW tempo?
Fast tempo
2. MELODY Directions: If someone were to ask you, “how does that song ‘go?’” Yo…

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