Please respond to the following statement: Which is more important your experiences or your memories of them?

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Please respond to the following statement: Which is more important your experiences or your memories of them?

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

To begin with, there is a need to differentiate between memory and experiences. On one side experience is the feeling or added advantage one gains from an event or activity one has gone through personally while memories are unique thoughts and images one remembers from experience one had. By comparing memories to experience it’s clear that memories are more essential than experience. This claim can be supported by two facts which are; experience is an all-time thing which I will go through each day, unlike memories which are unique experiences, also because memories last a long duration compared to experiences. Also, we don’t choose between experiences because they are vast instead we choose between memories of our experiences and the fact that we don’ think our future as experiences but as anticipated memories make memories valuable.
Experiences can be attained easily and on a daily basis, unlike memories which are based on unique experiences. Memories are the best things and the satisfied feeling one can gain from an event or from what one engages in because they are the filtered best experiences (Piaget 43). Experiences are continuous, and one experiences an experience after another, and most of these experiences are lost because the remembering self-doesn’t remember them. Therefore the uniqueness of memory which is based only on the unique experiences makes the memory more essential.
Experience is likely to be lost de…

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