Play Based Curriculum

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Play Based Curriculum

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Education

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Play-Based Curriculum
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Play-Based Curriculum
At the age of four, a child completes half of their intellectual capacity development, and it hits 80% at the age of eight (Lall & Lall, 2018). As a result, most institutions have reverted to the old curriculum where children have more recess time. Theobald et al. (2015) research indicate that adults who were subjected to play activities at their young age had better social skills and a high level of creativity. For a child, play time is an opportunity to explore the world around them. In the process, they end up developing creative thinking, decision making, problem-solving, negotiation, cooperating and communication skills. According to Ginsburg (2007), an unstructured play makes a child hone their attention span since they tend to focus more when carrying out activities where they are free to be creative, form their own rules, and explore items around them. Moreover, play strengthens the children motor skills, hand-eye coordination, verbal and visual tracking abilities. Lastly, by interacting with other children and forming packs while playing, children get to nurture their social interactions skills and develop social connections.
Play helps children develop healthy physical status, high mental abilities and positively shapes their development process into adulthood. When children engage in play activities involving running, jumping or throwing and catching toys, they tend to …

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