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Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Criminal law

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Question 14: Grand Jury

Question 14: Grand Jury
Grand Jury is a procedure initiated by a prosecutor to determine whether a person should face criminal charges or indict a potential defendant. The process plays an essential role in the criminal justice system, as it informs the prosecutors to proceed with a criminal charge against a suspect, usually of serious criminal charges (FindLaw, 2018). Compared to conventional criminal procedures, a Grand Jury is executed in privacy and is inquisitorial. A judge is not involved in the process, and the prosecutor is the person in charge of the process. Where a Grand Jury finds a probable cause, the prosecutor may proceed with the cases.
During a Grand Jury process, the conditions are not as tight as the conventional court process. The prosecutor provides the jury with details and assists them in the gathering of evidence and testimonies, which are essential in the deliberations, as to whether a given case should be allowed to proceed to the courts for a full hearing. In the Federal System, the target is not permitted to be present during the proceeding (Shiling, 2016). On the other hand, the witnesses are also not allowed to have lawyers. However, some states have amended the laws to permit attendance of witness lawyers for guidance on their rights during the process. Some states do not implement the grand on the Grand Jury to decide whether to proceed with criminal charges.
Grand Juries are essential in the …

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