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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Religion

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

What (if anything) makes a Muslim a Muslim?
An abstract
The Islamic religion is fast growing around the globe with many people turning to be Muslims. However, the principles of this religion have ended making some of the Muslims not be considered as Muslims. The paper focuses on the underlying principles which need to be observed by any Muslim to be considered actually, a Muslim. The principles include the performance of the Islamic obligations called Fard and observing the days of Ramadan. Any individual who wants to be considered to be a real Muslim must comply with these rules which also include observing the five pillars of the religion. When one understands and practices Shahada, Salah, Sawm, Zakat, and Hajj, the individual is considered to be living through the Islamic principles. It is only through the observation and practice of these principles that makes a Muslim be a Muslim. Failure to observe them just makes one be a member of the religion but not a real Muslim.
Keywords: Muslim, Fard, Shahada, Salah, Sawm, Zakat, Hajj
One can become a Muslim under the Islamic religion. However, it is not just becoming a Muslim that makes one be considered a Muslim but rather following the principles outlined in the religion. One can be a Muslim, but if he or she does not comply with all the Islamic principles, he or she may not be considered as one. This, therefore, poses a question of what makes a Muslim be a Muslim.
For a Muslim to be…

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