Physical science Admission essay

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Physical science Admission essay

Category: Admission Essay

Subcategory: Physical science

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 275

How the theatre has impacted my life
The first time I visited the theatre, I immediately felt the difference between the plays and the television programs I grew up watching. The theatre offered more compelling works of art. It evoked my sense of wonder and inspired thought-provoking emotions. The theatre experience changed the way I perceived movies and other recorded shows. I almost lost interest in television and focused more on watching theatre plays.
The theatre introduced a new world where I could see a story unfold. Unlike movies, the theatre offers an avenue where I can witness the raw emotions of the characters. I can feel the changing moods and tones without any filters. The theatre creates a magical spectacle that provides significant levels of intimacy.
The theatre has since changed my life for the better. The fascination of the plays has increased my expression. I have used the methods applied by the actors to relay my emotions and thoughts in a clear and organized manner. It has changed my personality from a reserved and quiet person to a boisterous and outgoing individual. Therefore, the theatre has significantly contributed to the development of my confidence and self-esteem.
I cannot live without the theatre. It has become a part of my life as it acts as my window to the world. It makes me feel more comfortable being myself and that increased my social associations, family relations, and professional developmen…

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