Physical Ability of Insects

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Physical Ability of Insects

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nutrition and Diet

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Physical Ability of Insects
Bugs are a group of insects mostly beetles which belong in the order Coleoptera. This order contains a large number of insects which are found in almost any habitat. They are distinguished from other insects by their chewing mouthparts. Their forewings are converted into hardened elytra. Hind wings are folded lengthwise across and under the elytra. They exhibit simple metamorphosis marked by four life stages. These are the egg, larva, pupa, and adult (Bouchard, 10). Examples include scarab beetles, dung beetles, black beetles and pill beetles. This study aims at revealing physical capabilities of beetles. This is based on standing at a natural position after tipping over.
The bug or beetle was identified in the field. It was then placed on a level ground and tipped over. Observations were made on its attempt to flip over. The beetle was given a slight assistance to help it on its back. It was then flipped again and observations were made.
After flipping the beetle over it kept lying on its back. It kept rolling its feet tirelessly. In the second attempt, the insect still remained on its back while its legs were frantically pawing the air in an attempt to flip over. The bug was able to roll back to its normal position after being flicked a bit.
Fig 1. Beetle on its back

The bug cannot roll over by itself. Apparently, its body was too big in relation to its…

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