personality revised

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personality revised

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Psychology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Personality Theories and Concepts

This paper highlights four key theories on personality and its development. These include biological, behavioral psychodynamic and humanistic models. After describing each of the concepts, particular emphasis is placed on biological models as a particularly useful angle at which personality development can most closely be understood. The usefulness of the model is explained, offering a view on how the current knowledge of the philosophies compares with one’s previous opinions on personality development. The comparison is followed by highlighting how best the biological schemes can be applied in the work environment. The challenges that the new knowledge on personality development poses to the previously held beliefs are then explored. Finally, there is a critical look at how every theory on personality development can be used to understand human personality. The importance of looking closely at more than one of the schemes is emphasized as the surest way of understanding human personality.
Keywords: Personality

Personality Theories and Concepts
There exist many theories and concepts that explain the development of human personality. These include biological, behavioral, psychodynamic and humanist ideas. Biological theories explain how genetic characteristics influence one’s disposition. Behavioral notions, on the other hand, argue that the environment shapes people’s traits. There are also psychod…

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