Patient Safety And Quality Improvement

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Patient Safety And Quality Improvement

Category: Critical Analysis Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
Ensuring patient safety and quality improvement in health care systems is a major concern in health care organizations. Marinating quality and safety entails ensuring excellence in how the patients are treated, and in many situations, there have been wrong decisions regarding the quality of service offered. Arguably, much of the bad decision and quality in health care institutions is attributed to the lack of proper communication, and in some cases process, or system failures.
In one of the former health care organizations, it was easy to acknowledge the existence of varied instruments for treatment despite the instances of the low quality of the rendered services. Aside from communication errors, the majority of the quality and safety concerns were as a result of the faulty processes and systems, not staffs. This aspect made the health care organization function at a lower level than expected. To ensure safety and effectiveness, health systems need to ensure proper communication while targeting process-of-care measures, avoidance of predisposed towards danger processes, and ascertaining if the processes offered aim at achieving the desired results (Hughes, 2008).
To promote better functionality, any health care institution should aim at safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered system of health care provision. Whereas many patient safety and quali…

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