Organizational development skills

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Organizational development skills

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Leadership

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Organizational Development Skills
Organizational Development Skills
Organizational developing skills enable administrative leaders to mobilize individual competencies and organizational resources towards solving existing problems within the organization. The skills also help organizational leaders to strategically position the company on the right path towards the achievement of the set goals and objectives.
Indeed, organizational development skills can be applied effectively towards promoting sustainable change in the military. To successfully implement change in the military in a sustainable manner, more than just sustainability reporting and resources are needed. For instance, well-founded organizational developing skills are required that recognizes ecological and social vulnerabilities. Additionally, it identifies the potential for improvement and reviews the progress of measures initiated are also needed. To do so, leaders in the domain must continuously reevaluate their change agenda, motivate, put forth a solid action plan, mobilize and empower stakeholder teams and assemble resources (Henderson et al., 2015).
Next, within an organization, the climate of change can occur in two forms: discontinuous and continuous. In discontinuous organizational change, the climate of change occurs more abruptly changing management structures and organizational process which required flexibility and mobility (Lord et al., 2015). Here, organizations have to a…

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