Organization Of Teams Practice

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Organization Of Teams Practice

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Bioengineering

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Organization of Teams Practice
The key objective in youth sports revolves around improving kids motor skills. As such, coaches are required to employ strategic approaches to ensure sport is adding significant value to youths’ development. Teachers or rather coaches should come up with an effective plan which ensures consistency in sports (Martens 158). The schedule should be organized in such a way that it enables students to gain without having to strain. To ensure that the team is engaged, the coach takes the students through the various activities. They guide them while showing them how to perform them appropriately (Martens 161). They rate them and give them feedback on how they perform. This enables the coaches to interact with the students, learn their weaknesses as well as strengths. The coaches then advise them accordingly on how to improve and the direction to take to ensure sport impact them positively.
Effective training process has to be executed to ensure the psychological as well as the physical development of the body. It is evident that the training process is crucial to the overall result (O’Sullivan 156). Per se, when the training is calculated, systematic and objective, the result will be significant. This means that the students will improve health-wise and, therefore, as far as their fitness is concerned.
On the other hand, when the process is poor, the results will be insignificant. In the course of…

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