one life lesson out from the book Tweak by Nic Sheff

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one life lesson out from the book Tweak by Nic Sheff

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

A Life Lesson from Tweak by Nic Sheff
Tweak is a novel that recounts the journey of the author, Nic Sheff, as he battles with addiction involving multiple drugs. Sheff begins drinking at the age of 11 and continues to descend into further drug use from then on. Sheff explains that when he is on drugs “It is a different world man, heightened, exciting…The waves of the drug keep sweeping through me, and my palms turn sweaty, and I grit my teeth” (13). His new life is characterized by theft, deceit, and a never-ending need for more drugs. Sheff also teams up with another addict to distribute methamphetamine (Sheff 25). Tweak discourages the readers from drug use by narrating how drugs can ruin the life of the user.
One way that drugs can ruin a person’s life is by alienating them from the people they love. Sheff is raised by loving parents, but his relationship with them becomes estranged when he keeps stealing from them. He does not want them to find out so he sneaks in when they are away: “I yank it open breaking the bases of the door where it had been secured to the floor” (Sheff 15). Sheff begins to lose touch with his siblings and he steals their personal effects, like his sister’s diary, and his younger brother’s money. He also encourages his friends to relapse after they try quitting their drug habits (Sheff 96). His reputation causes their families to dislike him which further alienates Sheff.
Additionally, an addict …

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