One Day menu and nutritional analysis for disease states

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One Day menu and nutritional analysis for disease states

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Nutrition and Diet

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

One Day Menu and Nutritional Analysis for Disease States
For a 25-year-old woman at 5ft 5 inches, the ideal weight should range from 97 to 127 pounds with a Body Mass Index between 18.5 and 24.9. The patient who has 140 pounds has a Body Mass Index of 27.5, therefore, is an overweight person. Most of the foods to be consumed should be less in fats, sodium, and calories. They should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and lean proteins like fish.
menu diabetic DASH Low-Calorie High-Calorie Low sodium
Avocados 4oz Cranberries
The foods need to be rich in antioxidants, fiber, and minerals and vitamins. For instance, fruits like apples contain antioxidants that lower the LDL, bad cholesterol that causes diabetes (An 61) Apples also contain 3 grams of fiber and 15 grams of carbohydrates Cranberries have the abundance of phytonutrients such as anthocyanin that serve as the best meal plan for a person with high blood pressure. Also, the antioxidant found in cranberries is best for lowering the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol that causes a heart attack. Fruits and vegetables serve best for patients who would like to reduce the weight healthily. The presence of antioxidants, fiber and minerals found in fruits and vegetables are good the body to gain weight Fruits and vegetables such as apples and kales are known to having low sodium but rich in other minerals such as calcium and potassium…

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