Objectives and Goals

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Objectives and Goals

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Medicine

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

The Needs of The HIV Positive Haitians: Objectives and Goals
Institutional Affiliation

The Needs of The HIV Positive Haitians: Objectives and Goals
Goal 1: To eradicate stigmatization through the creation of awareness regarding cultural beliefs and social expectations
One of the major challenges that the Haitians living with HIV in Florida have been facing is stigmatization (Holtzman, Brady & Yehia, 2015). This has been mostly due to the cultural beliefs and the social expectations. Most of the people have a negative perception towards the treatment of HIV. There is a general belief whereby HIV is associated with immorality among the Haitians and plays a significant role in defining the perception. When a person contracts HIV, they are viewed by the rest of the community with negativity and hence they feel stigmatized.
Objective: Under this goal, the objective will be to educate the community so that they change their perception of HIV and accept treatment. It will be done through the distribution of flyers and pamphlets with relevant information on the same.
Goal 2: To increase the level of compliance with the recommended therapeutic strategies
As a result of this non-compliance, the access to quality care has been greatly hampered (Florida Health, 2012). It means that most of the patients have not been able to get access to quality care, and hence they end up not getting medication and the medical support they need. As a result, the virus greatly wea…

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