Nursing Essay

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Nursing Essay

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Discussion Topic 1: Creating Learner-Centered Lessons for the On-Site Environment

Discussion Topic 1: Creating Learner-Centered Lessons for the On-Site Environment
The primary goal of nursing education is to equip nurses with skills they can apply in real-world situations. A learner-centered approach presents an alternative to traditional learning as it focuses what students’ learn. The focal point of this approach is learning rather than teaching; both instructors and students are active learners and collaborate in achieving learning outcomes (Yuksekdag, 2018). I might design a learner-centered approach in several ways. Firstly, I have to decide on the most effective environment that will benefit both the instructor and the students. Notably, I will use the hybrid model by using both on-site and online environments. Additionally, I will also create such a lesson by formulating goals that the learners are expected to meet at the end of each lesson. Furthermore, I will also design learning activities based on the learning outcomes (Bradshaw & Hultquist, 2017).
As a nursing educator, there are two primary concerns I have about classroom management. One of the concerns is role-playing between the leaners and the educators. Indeed, my concern is that I may not get all students to participate in the on-site sessions at all times. For example, some nursing students may be active while other may be passive; this may conflict the central role of the learner-…

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