NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL approches for pain management

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NON-PHARMACOLOGICAL approches for pain management

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Student’s Name:
When someone is diagnosed with a life-threatening or a serious illness, at any time of the lifetime, one of the first things that bring fear and stress in the patient life is the pain. Indeed, this is the first question that the caregiver and the patient commonly ask. It is normal that human being fears pain than even the main illness that a specific patient is suffering from, in fact, most people would wish them; friends, relatives and their partners rather die than suffer from intense pain in their watch. There are different methods to manage pain but the commonly know is through medication where a class of drugs referred as Opioids are commonly administered. The common opioids drugs are but not limited to; fentanyl and heroin. These drugs have side effects that are sometimes short-term or long-term, these effects include; liver and brain damage and sometimes addiction. However, medication is not the only available option for pain management about palliative care; there are non-pharmacological of non-drug pain management that are best and have zero side effects on the patient lives.
Keywords: Pain management, chronic pain, non-pharmacological treatments, nervous system

With the vast use of opioids medication as the main option of pain management, there is a rise in the overdose deaths; recent findings indicated that addictive medicines like mor…

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