NIV Essay

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NIV Essay

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Religion

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

NIV Essay
What are some of the major differences between the gospel of John and the synoptic gospels?
The gospel of John is a little different from the other gospels in the New Testament. It is clear that it gives the account of the life of Jesus in a summarized way unlike the other gospels, which give more information on his life. Also, other significant parts of Jesus’ ministry are not mentioned in the gospel. For instance, the book does not mention about the last supper. Whereas the last supper is an important part of the other gospels, the book of John does not talk about it. It also omits the sermon on the mountain. The book also does not give an account of the miracle where Jesus cast demons away like the other gospels. Further, whereas other synoptic gospels provide narration on the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain like the book of Luke (New International Version, Luke 9:28-36), there is no record of the same from the gospel of John. As shown, this book is different from the others regarding some aspects of Christ’s life and actions while on earth.
What does Paul teach about the Holy Spirit?
Paul talks deeply about the concept of the Holy Spirit. He uses his letters to teach the people on the issue of God’s Spirit. He teaches that the spirit of God stays within the people’s bodies (Corinthians 3: 16). He explains to the Galatians that Jesus’ spirit was now among them through the Holy Spirit sent to them. Paul te…

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