Need for vitamins and minerals

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Need for vitamins and minerals

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Sports

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Need for vitamins and minerals
Need for vitamins and minerals
Proper nutrition is an essential element for the human body since it determines the number of nutrients the body acquires from different foods. For a healthy body, I will adjust my menu to consume enough fruits and vegetables. Naturally, fruits and vegetables are good, and the minerals and the vitamins contained in fruits and vegetables are crucial in keeping us healthy throughout (White, 2013). They are best when it comes to protecting the body against diseases. One advantage of fruits and vegetables is that they come in different types which allow one to choose the favorite type. They are also prepared, cooked and served differently and sometimes eaten raw to give all the nutrients they contain. The many minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A, C, and E, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorus found in fruits and vegetables are useful for keeping our body healthy (White, 2013). Thus, they can lower the level of cholesterol, blood pressure and reduce obesity. Therefore, my change to eat more fruits and vegetables will be of importance to me.
My favorite foods I like to eat are the chips lays. I used to eat a big bag of chips lays in a day. However, chips are not suitable for the health of the body if consumed on a daily basis. Therefore, should not be chosen over healthier food options as they result in irreparable health damage. Typically, chips contain the high level of fats and calories. A singl…

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