My Reflecting of writing

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My Reflecting of writing

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

My Reflection of Writing
Admittedly, writing is so critical as it is the medium upon which most communication is conveyed. Moreover, writing helps in record keeping, tracing of history, and day to day communication through books, magazines, and online articles. During this semester, I have learned about the significance of writing, the techniques, language, and the tools that enable successful writing. In my assessment, I have strengths in the deployment of writing techniques and vocabulary. However, I feel I still have much to develop regarding involving the writing tools that ensure what I write is of original content.
Indeed, it is commonplace that no institution accepts plagiarism because it not only limits the thinking capacity of students but is also a crime against originality. Therefore, I take it upon myself to improve in the area of language tools as a means to improve my writing and make my content original at all times. Similarly, this concept has consistently been taught in class that good writing warrants originality, proper content, structure, and creativity. Subsequently, my writing has been improving every day, and I believe I am headed the right way in both writing and understanding of diction as well as idea development while writing.
In sum, I would like to conclude with the recognition that writing is a fundamental skill that every student needs to hone while in school as it is vital in work environments and overall cognitive development. Furthermor…

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