My early childhood in China.

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My early childhood in China.

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Criminal Justice

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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My Early Childhood in China.
I was born in Daxing a small market centre in Beijing China. Being a third born in a family of four, I had people who could guide me and advise as a young person. We lived in an estate which was cosmopolitan and it had people of different cultural, racial, and religious groups. Since Beijing is the third city in China as far as population is concerned, there were many people in my locality- a factor that helped me to get a lot of friends.
I joined the Daxing academy for my early childhood education. Just like in any part of the world, teachers and parents value education so much. This made my life as a child to revolve both in school and at home. I spend most of the time with my friends and my elder brother who was two years older than me. My parents ensured I focused on my studies and also fun activities such as playing. They guided me in my studies and this greatly made me the person I am today.
My parents were also very conscious about us and they did whatever they could to make us have the best childhood. They took us to different places including the swimming pool, zoo, nature reserve, the mall and other scenic places. It was fun for me since I was curious and I wanted to know, see and learn many things. This made me learn a lot of stuff when I was still young. My parents considered the religious education very important, so I went to church every Sunday and was taught…

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