Must someone die from their addiction in order to receive any kind of compassion and understsanding?

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Must someone die from their addiction in order to receive any kind of compassion and understsanding?

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Addiction, Compassion, and Understanding
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Almost everyone has an individual in their life struggling with an addiction problem, varying from dependence on shopping, gambling, sex, alcohol, drugs, or some other type of addiction (“How Compassion Can Help You Support an Addicted Loved One,” 2018). Most live with partners struggling with one or most of these addictions, or a relative suffering dependence on a substance or an activity. The relationship between drug addicts and their family members or partners are usually viewed as not only excruciating but destructive and unsupportive. Most addicts dig deeper into their addiction and suffer grave consequences due to stress and lack of understanding and compassion from their folks (“The Role of Environment in Addiction and Recovery | Skywood Recovery, 2018”). But must an individual die from his/her addiction to be shown love and understanding?
Addiction is not a character fault. It is an illness and a strong one that could rob one of his/her children, mothers, fathers, or even friends. It is essential to honor and love one’s friends, colleagues, neighbors, and family members even though they may be suffering from an addiction (Webster, 2018). It is everyone’s responsibility to handle anyone struggling with addiction with love and to avoid making them feel stigmatized. Individuals with dependence are not disappointing or letting anyone down when they utilize s…

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