Moore’s Law And Metcalfe’s Law

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Moore’s Law And Metcalfe’s Law

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Management

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Moore’s Law and Metcalfe’s Law
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This paper in the first question defines the Moore’s Law with a close look at the development of the computers in the contemporary world. Additionally, this law projects the productivity level which translates to better outcome since the development of the computers. The second question addresses the impact of the law in the contemporary world. Precisely, the article describes the effects of Moore’s Law in the business sector. The third question in this paper captures another study by Robert Metcalfe in presenting the impact of telecommunication in the contemporary world. The network is the baseline for the argument of Metcalfe’s law as a proposition to the connection of users. Therefore, expansion of a telecommunication network in the society increases with the increasing number of users. The final question summarizes Moore’s Law and Metcalfe’s Law to have one common factor on the efficiency of the communication of people across the globe. The higher the network, the higher the efficiency force in the computer operating system.
Key Words: Moore’s Law, productivity, telecommunication, Metcalfe’s Law.

1. What is Moore’s Law?
Moore law insinuates that transistors are getting smaller and translates to greater efficiency on the performance of the computer operating system. This law estimates that the transistors in a circuit board per square inch double regarding productivit…

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