Money and the American Dream

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Money and the American Dream

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Money and the American dream
Laura Adams is not only a writer but also a host of one of the most watched show the money girl podcast. On the subject of money, Adams says that most people don’t know how to use the money they have. According to her, being rich does not necessarily mean that you invest millions of shillings in a business. Good ideas are more important than a big capital to start a business. Morgan Ricks is an Associate Professor of Law at Vanderbilt College and a writer of many books on finance. According to him, money can be a solution to many of our problems but only if utilized well. In order to be successful in life, we have to start by managing the little money we have. Billy Graham said that money cannot make you happy however much we try to find it. There is no wrong in having money.
The American dream is a firm belief that every individual regardless of class, race, gender or the country of birth can rise and be successful in America. The similarity between the three writers on money issues is that money can make a difference in one’s life if it is utilized well. However, I believe that the American dream today is based on happiness, success, and money. Therefore, I believe that money is tied to the American dream. In order for Americans to be happy, they need money to make them comfortable.
The main theme of this short story is isolation …

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