modernism between 1900-1950

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modernism between 1900-1950

Category: Movie Review

Subcategory: Art

Level: Academic

Pages: 2

Words: 1100


Modernism between 1900 and 1950
Change is part of the human life. Everyday people experience changes in their way of life and how they do their things. To manage to be on par with other individuals in the society, one has to adjust to the different changes. The changes are the modern stuff, such that we do things differently from the past. The modernization of different things has made the way of life much easier. The changes have been brought about by the technology that people have embraced over the years. This paper addresses the theme of modernism between 1900 and 1950. It will explain the subject by discussing the period of the modernism, the characteristics of the innovation and how different fields were affected by the fashion.
The Civil War and the World War have a lot to do with the modernism. During the great war of the Western Civilization, many people were devastated and disillusioned. The situations they found themselves in acted as an accelerator to deepen their modernist thinking. Modernization had come, and it was a real time of change.
There are several characteristics associated with the modernism. Some of them include; there were much irony and self-consciousness social and usual conventions, the narration was done by fragmenting and internalizing, or using different points of view/ several perspectives. Others were in realistic fiction, the time was nonlinear…

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