Mind over Matter

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Mind over Matter

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Mind over Matter
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Mind over Matter
The mind is a set of cognitive faculties that includes consciousness, perception, thinking, judgment, language, and memory (Gardner, 2011). While matter refers’ to the situation, ones talking about that affects one in some way. Thus mind power assists in achieving desires likewise physical reality including health. Consisting of a view of the mind through which we perceive and interpret things that eventually make part of us. Besides, it influences health by affecting motivation, psychology, and performance which in turn might be positive or negative in response.
For example, one’s mindset towards stress situation is avoidable. How a person thinks about stress determines how it affects health. Mindset magnifies benefits of exercise. Mind power matters in one’s training. These exercises if regularly done to improve their weight reduce blood pressure and body fats. Likewise activities like jobs occupations, house chores gain more health benefits (Cronin, Segurado, McAuliffe, Kelleher, & Tremblay, 2017). Another example involving mind power is that one can help control eating unhealthy foods. That is for one to dictate on eating healthy meals by viewing the habit in them as decent and fun.
Brains are continually adapting and rewiring itself. Your thoughts and behaviors influences specific thoughts and actions that are repeated often enough, a secure connection and also known as a neural pathway is created…

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