Mendel’s Laws

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Mendel’s Laws

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Gregor Mendel’s Laws
Gregor Mendel was an Australian monk and scientist who worked on scientific discoveries in the mid nineteenth century. Mendel is well known for creating the science of genetics, he is referred to as the father of Genetics. Gregor Mendel in his work he used a plea plant and discovered the three fundamental laws of inheritance. Below are the Gregor Mendel laws of inheritance.
The Law of Dominance
The appearance of a trait that is always seeing is said to be the dominant trait. The relationship between two alleles is referred to as dominance (Schwarzbach and Erik 45). When an offspring inherits two alleles each one from the two parents the most visible trait is considered as the dominant trait. According to Mendel when one parent has two copies of recessive allele and the other have two copies of the dominant allele the offspring will inherit a genotype (Aa) and the dominant phenotype will be displayed.( Kampourakis and Kostas 320)
The Law of Segregation
For a certain gene a parent may have two distinct alleles, where each exists in a given copy of chromosome. During meiosis they is the separation of the two alleles where the two copies of the chromosomes are separated other and as a result they is segregation of the two alleles located on the two chromosomes, the process happens during the two cell division phase of meiosis.
The Law of Independent Assortment
During the second division of meiosis the alleles…

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