Mathematics Essay

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Mathematics Essay

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Mathematics

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Religious Intolerance and Terrorism Post 9/11
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Religious Intolerance and Terrorism Post 9/11
Introduction and Problem Statement
The 9/11 terrorist attack has resulted in increased religious intolerance even in democratic societies where religious freedom and liberty has been existent for a long time. In the U.S, for instance, increased FBI surveillance of religious organizations and activities following the attacks has been condemned as this is seen as an invasion of personal freedom and civil liberties (Barkun, 2006). The existing religious intolerance also does little to resolve impending cases of terror as it makes it difficult for the religiously diverse groups to trust each other in the wake of the existing culture of secrecy. There is need to minimize terrorism acts while preserving civil liberties and this can be effectively achieved through promoting religious tolerance, adopting nature specific mitigation effort to minimizing terror and encouraging interfaith collaboration towards social healing.
The 9/11 terrorist attack impacted hugely ion the mindsets of individuals as far as religious terrorism is concerned In America, intolerance, especially towards the Muslim community, has increased following the attacks despite claims that the country is founded on the principles …

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