Marketing via social media

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Marketing via social media

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Marketing

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Marketing via social media
Social media has increasingly been used by companies and businesses to achieve their marketing goals. Given the high number of users today, social media platforms provide companies with the chance to interact with large audiences and potential customers. Social media has become an integral part of businesses in building strong relationships with customers through regular interactions (Zhu et al. 6). An example of a brand that utilizes social media extensively in marketing its products is Netflix. The entertainment company was founded in 1997 and originally provided video-on-demand services and online streaming media as well as the provision of DVD by mail. The American-based company has since expanded into television and film production. Through the use of social media, Netflix has transformed the way customers access and talk about films and television episodes.
Netflix utilizes the different social media platforms to maintain a close fans engagement while also advertising the release of new movies and episodes. By advertising news about upcoming releases, the company ensures long-term engagements as fans anticipate for the new releases. On Facebook, Netflix uses geo-targeting which entails sending different content to users in different locations around the globe. This is important as it ensures that customers have access to the most relevant information and prevents customers from de…

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