Management’s dilemma

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Management’s dilemma

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Business

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Management’s dilemma
Making the relevant investment decision on training and educational programs for employees in an organization has become a challenge for business leaders. Businesses have spent a lot of dollars annually trying to develop skills of the employees to improve productivity. The process has never worked effectively since the management has failed to consider evaluating the effectiveness of the development programs they provide to employees. The paper describes some of the strategic and systematic approaches that can be used to enhance training and education for the employees.
The first step that the management should consider is identifying the gaps in the skills of the employees. Most training programs start with a problem to be solved and thus to implement a productive training program, the company must identify the needs of each employee in training (O’Leary, Brian, et al., 4). A relevant training program will address immediate issues and also focus on the future company needs. The employees become the best source of information especially to decide on the best requirements for the training. The critical step here is to acquire valuable input before documenting the training programs and goals.
When implementing a training program for employees it is imperative to evaluate the training method. The mode for learning provided for the employees greatly influences the retention of new skills they are taught (O’Le…

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