Management Program

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Management Program

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Health

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Management Program
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Total quality management is a set of management practices adopted by the organization aimed at ensuring the organization consistently satisfy the customer’s needs and improve its internal processes. The success of TQM lies in understanding the problem at hand and the best approach to manage the issue employees (Total Quality Management (TQM). n.d). The issue must be focused on customer satisfaction hence efforts put like training and integrating quality process should be customer focused. The organization needs first to understand the process, not the workers cause the problem. Thus, the company should aim at correcting the method by involving the people since every employee is responsible for quality. Another condition that makes TQM successful is the ability to measure the quality to quantify the results (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). The strategies for TQM should aim towards continual improvement of the products and all facts and data to be considered during decision making.
Implementation of Total Quality Management in the organization yields a long-term benefit. TQM leads to the production of better products and processes at low cost. The use of high-quality information ensures the improvement of the means by reducing waste and saves on time. Also, implementation of TQM reduces variability and providence consistency of products and services to the customers (Stark, 2015). Through this, the organization …

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