Management Literary analysis

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Management Literary analysis

Category: Literary analysis

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

SWOT analysis
Institutional Affiliation:
SWOT analysis is a strategy used in the assessment of the internal and external environment of the group or a firm, thereby, enabling it to retain or improve its competitive position. Over the years, it has grown in popularity as managers are increasingly interested in understanding the best strategies to apply in order to retain the competitive advantage of the group of the business. Conducting this analysis is significant in establishing the areas that need to be improved while developing mechanisms of nurturing group talents. At the same time the manager is able to put the necessary measures to enable the organization take advantage of the emerging opportunities in the market. Furthermore, the manager will be in a position to strategize on how to cushion the group or the business from external threats. Therefore, the business or a group would be in a position to take advantage of the opportunities that are arising in the market.
Conducting a SWOT analysis is significant in enabling a manager or organization to get a full-circle perspective regarding the position of the business or the group (Blokdyk, 2018). It is a framework that provides critical information that is necessary in setting the necessary goals and objectives for the group or organization. Furthermore, it gives the manager or a team with a chance to measure the progress through the assessment of internal and external factors that mi…

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