Major Hurricane Problems

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Major Hurricane Problems

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Public Administration

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Major Hurricane Problems
Major Hurricane Problems
Apart from devastating thousands of human lives and causing destructions of the properties amounting to billions of U.S dollars, any major Hurricanes happening in South Florida will shake its economy. Florida has been perceived as one of the economically competitive states in the U.S though not as much as Texas. The south part of the state enjoys quite a wide range of economic indicators which include ports, tourism, industries, and business services. The occurrence of the significant Hurricane might result in slowness in economic growth to cause economically related problems. The loss of lives and properties will cause the shortage in the supply of labor and materials. Issues related to the economy include increased unemployment, reduced housing, less agricultural production, and infrastructural problems. As a result, the economic activities in South Florida would be hindered a situation that is likely to slow down the pace of economic development. This situation may be fuelled by the interrupted power supply further delaying technological delivery.
As a system mandated to facilitate the provision of resources, prioritize incidents, and to coordinate multiple agencies to take care of the emergencies, multiagency coordination system is useful in solving these problems. The multiagency coordination system entities should ensure that there is the clear awareness of the actual situation in the affected ar…

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