Low-Income Earners and their Decisions

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Low-Income Earners and their Decisions

Category: Critical Thinking

Subcategory: Sociology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Low-Income Earners and their Decisions
The game was exciting since I was able to access a lot of topics which are educational and applicable in real life situations. I will use the topics to reflect my own life to be able to fit in this competitive world, for instance, the topic about the low-income earners and their decisions was greatly useful helping one to be able to lay down long-term decisions to prevent poverty and low-income (Kumhof Romain and Pablo 1218). People tend to borrow in the excess rate that will affect them in the long run. Therefore, there is a need for decision making to better your tomorrow. Poverty is accompanied by the unpredictable circumstances for example job changes; work availability frequently changes where the money comes and goes. Therefore one needs to put long-term decision which should be geared to deliberate efforts
Low-income earners need a sense of belonging so that you can be able to determine their level of comfort in any circumstances .Poor people believe that banks are not for them but only for those people who got money. They should modify their lives and create a positive essence of belonging that will enhance them to improve their living standard. Utilize the small amount of money you earn through investing and have great minds that will help you achieve the best in life. It is also through saving a small amount of money will make your tomorrow simpler .People in a poor community feel the…

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