Love marriage and forced marriage

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Love marriage and forced marriage

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Love Marriage and Forced Marriage
People get into marriage for different reasons, although a majority argue that they get married for love. However, this may not be so for a person who is forced into marriage although love might develop over time as they live with their partners. Paul Bentley, however, argues that arranged marriages are bound to develop into lasting love supposed to people who marry for love. Before getting into the marriage, a great deal of research has gone into ensuring the compatibility of the partners; this can be done by the parents or the matchmaking person. Hence when getting into marriage, you might not love each other, but you sure have a lot of things in common that gradually will always bring you together and eventually you will fall in love and even develop a much stronger lasting love for each other.
On the other hand, David Brooks in an editorial column of the New York Times explores the three views of marriage. He argues that when getting into marriage the three main things to consider or to carry along is to look at the endeavor from not just an emotional perspective but also through a psychological lens, ensure that you are okay with the current situation say the behavior of your partner as some of this more so the negative attributes are not bound to change. There also the need to appreciate the romantic lens as love is the only thing that is left behind when being in love fades away hence its crucial…

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