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Category: Essay

Subcategory: Classic English Literature

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Institute Affiliation
Falling in Love with Hominids is a sci-fiction short written by Nalo Hopkinson, a Jamaican female writer. In her work, the author proves there is an essential version of speculative fiction in the Caribbean. The story has rich literature content rooted from the Caribbean culture (Mandelo, 2015). Being fiction, the writer has limitless bounds to showcase writing skills that facilitate language learning techniques in a Caribbean perspective.
Recognition of story structure
Summarization of text
Study of vocabularies
One strategy that can be used to teach language concepts of Nalo’s work is recognizing story structure. Here students get to know the characters, events, issues, setting, and resolution. Having an understanding of the story structure aids in improving how students comprehend on a reading. Another methodology that would be effective in teaching language concepts is summarizing (Adler, 2017). Through this students determine what is essential in the text and rephrase it using their wording. In Falling in Love with Hominids, the author draws deeply on Caribbean music, myths, magic, folklore and present issues like race, slavery, and sexuality. The writer has enriched the book with new vocabularies that after an audience has read they too will start using the words as they tell the story (Hopkinson, 2015). Since the writer is not restricted in her writing, she has made the tale exciting and creative …

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