Leadership organizational chart

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Leadership organizational chart

Category: Editing

Subcategory: Nursing

Level: Masters

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Leadership Organization Chart
Institution Affiliation
Meriter is a nonprofit community hospital with centralized organizational leadership. The organization is large with 448 beds for the patients. The organization has 3,300 employees that are involved in the care provided in the entire Madison community in Dane County. The Meriter healthcare organization uses a centralized form of decision making since it involves all the staff members when looking for a solution to a particular health problem (“Healthcare Organizational Structural Analysis”, 2014). The care delivery system used in the hospital is the relationship-based care. This model gives the nurses and other healthcare specialists the capability to interact with the patients effectively they are taking care of. Besides, its framework enables the pervasive collaboration of staff members in the healthcare setting. Owing to its centralization of the decision-making process, this model allows for the escalation of issues faced by the staff members and patients up through the chain of management. This feature ensures optimal quality of care and working environments in the hospital.
The healthcare system in Meriter ensures that the patients are separated in different categories depending on the type of illness that they are suffering from. These types of illnesses are further subdivided into long-term illnesses, dementia, skilled or respiratory illnesses. This subdivision makes it easy to handle the patients and a…

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