Leadership and Management Models

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Leadership and Management Models

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Leadership and Management Models
This paper gives a review of the graphic representations of one of the models of the servant leadership. In this discussion, we shall provide the significant differences that exist between models of servant leadership and the other models. Management models can be termed as the set of choices that are made by the top executives of the company regarding the definition of the motive efforts, allocation of resources, the motivation of efforts and definition of the objectives (Recklies). In summary, they are used in defining the work or role of management in the organization. In this analysis, we shall provide a deeper explanation on the graphic representation of the rational model on the sustainable leadership and the diagram is given below.

Differences between servant leadership models and other models
Several differences exist between the servant leadership models and other forms of models. For instance, the servant leadership models, their nature is serving the specific objectives of others whereas the other models being served is their main goal. More so, the models of servant leadership aim at enabling the workers in advancing their maximum potentials through lowering themselves and uplifting others (Recklies). On the other hand, other models are interested mainly in the leader’s growth and personality. Lastly, in servant leadership models the major focus is…

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