Laudato Si

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Laudato Si

Category: Essay

Subcategory: Religion

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Laudato Si
Pope Francis in the letter aimed at explaining how human beings have become selfish and assumed that the world belongs to them. They have taken actions that have led to the destruction of other works of creation that was done by God. Additionally, there has been a destroyed relationship between man and God since man has become sinful (Pope Francis). Man has also caused a bad relationship with other creatures because he has been destroying them and their habitats instead of caring for them.
Science is the main cause of the destruction of the relationship among man, God, and other creatures. Some of the discoveries and knowledge that have been obtained through science have made man to have fewer morals. Pope Francis advocated that men should have the love for God and their neighbors so that they can carry out activities which are in line with the primary wish of God during creation. Ethical values in the Catholic Church requires members and other Christians to show love for one another and to go which means that no one is greater than God who created the universe (Pope Francis). Therefore, the application of this faith can make man realize that the knowledge about science was given by God and hence he or she should use to protect the earth rather than destroying it.

Faith is a necessary element in solving the problems that have been caused by science. It is important to believe that God created us to take control of the environ…

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