Job Search Strategies

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Job Search Strategies

Category: Coursework

Subcategory: Management

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 412

Job Search Strategies
In today’s job market, one needs more than just sending application letters to acquire a job. Some of the available tools available that can enhance my job search include one, social network participation. I can build an online presence through networks like Google+, Twitter or LinkedIn which are useful in connecting with employers and also building my name online as a credible professional. Secondly, I can build a blog or online portfolio to showcase my expertise and also employers can notice me easily. I can also create business cards, find a mentor for guidance, or use the many job search apps.
There are also some job search organizations which I can use. These organizations march employers to employees in different industries including baking and pastry. They include Alliance Recruitment Agency, Systemart LLC or even Virgil Careers. Job searching can be stressful, and people might want to give up. Therefore, it’s important to have a support system during that period. My support system will be my friend who also graduated with a baking and pastry degree because she will be able to understand my situation. She can also give me advice and guidance in job searching.
While applying for numerous jobs, there is a need to be organized to avoid missing an opportunity. Some of the technology available that can help me organize and manage my job search includes using a detailed spreadsheet of all relevant information about my job s…

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