Joan of Arc

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Joan of Arc

Category: Research Proposal

Subcategory: History

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Joan of Arc
Joan of Arc came to be nicknamed as the ‘Maid of Orleans.’ She was born in France in 1412 who later became the heroine at the age of 18 when she fronted the French army to triumph against the English at Orleans. France had long-running war with England at the birth of Joan of Arc known as the hundred years of war. The war ensued after the disagreement of who could be the heir to the French throne, and she was canonized as Roman Catholic saint.
The paper will describe who the real Joan of Arc was and how she came to be a military leader, how she led the French army to victory, and she acted under the divine guidance. It will be followed by a historical background entailing the 15th century where northern France had no laws on its frontiers of the marauding armies. The early years of Joan of the Arc will later be discussed with details of her parents who were poor tenant farmers (Wulan et al. 35). Additionally, the paper will discuss the skills that Joan of Arc learned from her mother, Isabelle. A meeting with the Dauphin will be discussed and a description of how Baudricourt had refused Joan’s request of meeting her but later complied after seeing she had much approval from the villagers. The battle of Orleans will be discussed with details of the Joan of Arc armor and horse. The capture and trial of the Burgundian assault will be discussed with the inclusion of how she was thrown off the horse outside the …

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