Jewish Identity

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Jewish Identity

Category: Presentation or speech

Subcategory: History

Level: High School

Pages: 1

Words: 550

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Jewish Identity
Jewish identity is an umbrella term that denotes the racial, ethnic and religious aspects of the ancient Judaism concept. The interaction between Jews and the contemporary world is gradually eroding the ethnic dispositions associated with the Jewish identity. The secularization of the humanistic society has far-reaching implication to the Jewish identity as compared to universal respect to human rights. Nowadays, individuals have the right to choose their religion of preference provided all practices are conducted within the jurisdiction of the law.
In the past, Jewish traditions demanded people to associate their existence to inherited personalities. In the modern world, researchers and scholars have a different perspective of what constitutes Jewish identity. These changes can be attributed to increased social mobility which allows Jews to assume a personalized identity. Jewish identity is a multi-dimensional term that encompasses aspects such as social mobility, demographics, nationality, theology, culture, and philosophy. However, factors such as beliefs, rituals, religious practices, and myths are also pivotal in the quest to understand the meaning of the Jewish identity. Jewish religious leaders have made attempts to separate staunch followers of the Jewish identity from the impure.
There are various contemporary trends relating the Jewish identity to demographic aspects such as social st…

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