invasive johnsongrass in mississippi area

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invasive johnsongrass in mississippi area

Category: Research Paper

Subcategory: Biology

Level: College

Pages: 1

Words: 275

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Johnsongrass is a perennial grass that is native to the Mediterranean. The weed was introduced as forage in the early 1800s. The Johnsongrass is majorly found in cultivated fields, reserve lands, abandoned fields, and hayfields. The Johnsongrass is popularly known with its cyanide poisoning effect on livestock. It causes poisoning when it undergoes stress from wilting, chemical spraying or when it is cut. Since it can affect a wide area of a field and cause destruction to crops and livestock, specific methods have been applied to control its population. The methods include biological, cultural, mechanical and chemical methods. Results have shown that the Johnsongrass is resistant and the methods of control cannot kill the entire population. The Johnsongrass has varying PH, soil texture and moisture levels and these are some of the factors that increase its resistance to the control methods. Therefore, Johnsongrass is a weed that causes several challenges in Mississippi since results have shown that the control methods were not that useful and hence further research needs to be conducted to examine the most effective methods of controlling the Johnsongrass.
Keywords: Johnsongrass, resistance, control, methods, effective, population, weed, forage, stress, cultivated fields
Invasive Johnsongrass in the Mississippi Area
Johnsongrass is a perennial grass majorly occupying regions in the Mediterranean S…

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